Thursday, February 26, 2009

Striving to Find Meaning in a Gloomy Chaotic World

Every day I wake up at 7:20AM, after a long cold war with my alarm clock. I walk 2 miles to the shuttle to go to school every morning fairly often, attend my classes and return home the same route. Out of perhaps restlessness or delayed teenage rebellion, I "mess with" people I fail to respect. People who are just kept around because of well...the very fact they are amusing. It is not too hard to win my respect as I am pretty easily impressed and even respect and cherish those whom others would find just odd or quirky--because I'm also one of those oddballs whom people for whatever crazy reason, find amusing. I like to think of my social life as mobile clown car: you just never know what might pop out or what might happen.

Because I can be manipulative, deceitful and maybe not the best person on this planet...out of guilt and fear especially after I learned that there is reincarnation in Judaism--I've been trying to do a mitzvah or good deed every day so that I won't come back as a cockroach or in paradoxes of paradoxes: as a spider: one of the few things I'm deathly afraid of.

I sometimes wish I could just come back as a crow. They are lower than humans, and maybe I deserve to be one. They are territorial, intelligent, highly social and resourceful and like shiny objects. They are also quite opportunistic and risk their lives to pick up a half eaten taco in the middle of the road and flee seconds before a car runs over the take out box. I also saw a crow couple thoughtfully yank those husky things from palm trees and searchingly seek someplace to store them. What else could they be doing? Spring is around the corner--love is on their minds!

Well that is all that is on my mind!

1 comment:

  1. Maia,
    what a great blog. I found you because I was looking for your mom's blog,, and found it had been moved. I was wondering if you know where it went? I was/am a fan. I thought this was cool: " They are also quite opportunistic and risk their lives to pick up a half eaten taco in the middle of the road and flee seconds before a car runs over the take out box" There is a video on youtube, don't remember where, about the intelligence of crows. It shows them dropping nuts into the street and waiting for cars to run over them and crack them open. The crows wait for the "walk" light and for people to start walking across the street, then they go out and get the nuts. Isn't that crazy---they are very intelligent. And, as a bird owner, I can tell you they aren't low at all. If people think they are, that's their problem. I do check my blog frequently so leave me a comment if you want, I would love to know what happened to your mom's writings. Thanks!
